Thumb Author Celeste Cervera

Celeste Cervera

Graphic designer

A graphic designer specializing in digital marketing. She has experience in writing articles, design, and web audits. She has also worked as a content coordinator, and is developing a business dedicated to the production of 3D toys.

About the author

Graduated in Graphic Design from the National University of the Northeast (2001). Specialized in Copywriting and SEO by the Tu Posicionamiento WEB School.

She has participated in the poetry workshops of the writer María García Zambrano, in Madrid, and in the creative writing workshops of Editorial Fuentetaja. In addition, he has published stories in magazines and in the Spanish-American anthology "Marañas", by Ediciones La Parte Maldita. He currently collaborates with a nutritional blog and writes the content in English for a website in the United States.

She is a fan of maker culture and rucking, making educational toys in 3D printing, and testing distributed-weight backpacks for hiking. She strives for continuous learning and in her spare time she enjoys playing sports and traveling.

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